Riutta (“The Reef”) is a quartet from the furthest corners of the North Sea. The waves of the Bothian Gulf have been sculpting this band for nearly a decade and this is something you can hear from their new album.
Riutta’s new album ‘Sinun täytyy elää vielä kerran’ (‘You must live once more’) is a result of years of playing together. There is an enjoyable wholeness in the composition of this album. This is rock music going through tender as well as stormy phases with such ease that can only come from years of working as a band. The different shades and influences are skillfully fused by the bands ear for pop-sensibility.
Riutta on hionut muotoaan jo vuosikymmenen ajan rauhallisin elein. Neljän miehen kokoonpano on muodostanut kaavan, joka suodattaa lukuisat vaikutteet uniikiksi musiikiksi.
Riutan uusi levy julkaistiin keväällä 2016. Heidän uutta albumia voi ilolla luonnehtia sanalla kokonaisuus, sillä sitä se on alusta loppuun saakka. Herkkä ja myrskyisän polveileva rock-albumi, joka ei vierasta pop-musiikillistakaan linjakkuutta.
Riutta - Pyhäjoki (Music Video)
Henri Turunen - vocal, guitar, keyboard
Mikko Vuorela - guitar, keyboard
Jarkko Kangas - drums, keyboard
Antti Takalo - bass